Our Recent Adventures

We like to keep you as up to date as we can as to what the children get up to at preschool. You can see more about what we have been up to on our Facebook page.

Since returning to preschool in September we have been finding out about all our new children and their families. We have explored how we are all different, what makes us special and what different interests we all have.

We have gone on to explore healthy lifestyles, and incorporated some exploration of our local area as well as baking into this. It’s been lots of fun and the children have made some very yummy items!

We were very fortunate to have a visit from Reverend Toby who has told us all about Harvest.

Summer term:

We talked about feelings using books to explore these in more depth. Stories such as ‘The Three Little Pigs, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, Goldilocks etc..’ were used to explore various feelings and emotions.

We were also getting children ready for transitioning to school which the younger children also enjoyed being part of. We set up a school role play area and had lots of school uniform which the children practiced getting on and off.

We also had a pop up spa shop as part of our well being week which we ran alongside our sports week. The children had great fun being pampered. Possibly the most exciting part of term was watching our caterpillars grow and then releasing them.

Carly Wilden